Blue Ocra Novel Progression

LOVE New York

L O V E in New York!

I am progressing well these few weeks on writing the sequel that it is consuming most of my mental energy. I hardly could do anything else except focus, watch videos and do research. I am almost like a scientist holed up in a cubicle at this point, except that my specimens are humans.

When I was a child I used to think that one day I would grow up to be a writer of fiction as I loved reading and spent most of my childhood reading in the library and bookstores. It’s great that I am pursuing this full time at the moment as it was once a far away dream, and now I am actually an author!

I am averaging about 700 – 1300 words a day on average, and I spend about four hours a day writing, and the remaining time reading and doing research. I still have my dance itch and I had been going to the gym regularly as a way to detox from the mental process. After a few months of cross fit training, I think I am rather fit right now with defined lines appearing on skin. Not a bad thing for an author to have the body a dancer.

The problem with writing a novel is that everything else “worldly” seems trivia. It’s like everything I am doing right now is meaningless in the bigger scale of things, putting into perspective that the earth is billions of years old and we humans live only for about 80 years in the grand scale of the universe. It seems that even writing a book, out of hundreds of thousands of books being published each year, is just a book among millions of books.

I think it requires us to go beyond ourselves and start thinking about the wider implications and community than our individualistic needs to see the big picture of what is really happening and how it affects us daily. When I use this perspective of looking at the bigger picture and transforming it to something better instead of focusing on instant gratification (fame, money etc), I feel quite powerful. With this new perspective, I think I had regained clarity on what is really happening vs what I think is happening.

Back to writing… here is my video list research for the novel consisting on a very interesting video I found about elite female bodyguards.

AVERRAL writes under pen name Scarlet Risqué. She stars in Scarlet Queen YouTube with over a million views. She holds a degree in business. The RED HOURGLASS is ranked Top 50 Espionage Thriller on Amazon. She is currently writing the sequels to the Hourglass Series. Grab a free copy of her novel now RED HOURGLASS on Amazon
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