The Paradox of Unlimited Wants

In the commercialised world of today, we have trapped ourselves in an endless cycle of unlimited wants. There are so many things that we would like to have but cannot have. In economics, we learnt that the economy basically runs on the scarcity concept. There are limited resources but unlimited wants. This is the paradox of human nature.

Most of us, sitting here right now in front of a computer screen, have abundance in our lives. In fact, we have so much that we can indulge in technology, games and hobbies. There is actually no lack of our needs as we have a roof over our heads and food to eat. We are living in a world that we “want” and not “need” something. We want luxury items like the latest Wifi and Iphone. However, these does not come for free. The value of the item is based on the perceived value of what it is. For example, the Iphone cost $100 to manufacture in a factory in China. However, because we perceive the value to be much more compared to the other high end phones in the market it is valued at SG$1000.

Majority of us “trap” ourselves in the illusion of wants. The marketing efforts of these companies somehow has a defined what is “in” and “out”, leading us to think what we have now is rather old fashioned and should be upgraded when in fact, there is no need for that as it is still in proper working order, like the latest flat screen televisions for example.

Breaking down the material code of unlimited wants has also led to my redefinition of happiness. If we continuously tell ourselves that we want this and that, we would not be truly happy because of the lack of [the thing] itself. However, it is not that we need it, it is just an illusion that it makes us happy by owning the item that we desire.

Kings and queens of the past has surrounded themselves with exquisite treasures but some of them were never happy in their entire lives no matter how much they owned. They knew they would not be able to bring these items to the other world when they leave this place. They feared the imminent death that they built pyramids and monuments to preserve their legacy. It is strange indeed, that nothing can replace the value of happiness.

AVERRAL writes under pen name Scarlet Risqué. She stars in Scarlet Queen YouTube with over a million views. She holds a degree in business. The RED HOURGLASS is ranked Top 50 Espionage Thriller on Amazon. She is currently writing the sequels to the Hourglass Series. Grab a free copy of her novel now RED HOURGLASS on Amazon
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