Where Has My Heart Gone?

He took a scissors and cut the veins towards her heart and threw it into a deep hole that no one could find.

There are no sadness in her eyes, they are just moving tear drops that don’t feel a thing

She looks at the world spinning around her while she sits still.

Waiting, waiting for the day that her heart can be found.

Music is Universal

There was once i asked my mum why did she take up classical piano.

She replied, “Music is a universal language, no other language can replace it.”

For my typically bimbotic handbag perfume loving mother to say something so profound shocked me initially, i recovered after a while and pondered about it. No matter how much i tried to argue within my heart, i couldn’t find a better argument for her statement (i am used to arguing with her when she says illogical stuff like sleeping with my cat makes me sneeze).

“There are so many barriers in languages, not everyone can understand the differences in language. For music, it is different, everyone can understand the emotions in music, and that is what makes it such a powerful communication tool.”

It is true, no matter how flowery or brilliant language can be, its impact is limited within that few words in a statement (that is if the person reading it has a good comprehension of the language in question). Music is different, its impact is so powerful that anyone in the world can be swayed with its emotions.

Which reminds me, when i was in St Francis doing my A levels, a teacher called up an “ah beng” from my class to play the piano. With tattoos all over his chest and tattered knuckles, i thought he was the least likely candidate to be able to play the piano (more like karate).

“Play us a song about how you feel” My music teacher kindly instructed. When he sat on the pedestral and started moving his fingers across the keys… i was astounded. I could feel his emotions as he played the notes… his body swayed with the melody as he transported us to another land. My impression of him changed drastically after that, i did not see him as a gangster, in fact, i admired him.

They Are Not

The world is full of people that pretend to be who they are not.
They boost of extraordinary feats when they are nothing

I call them fakers.

They are just living in denial.

An imaginary lie.

A sad sad one that is.

I hope they do realise that they need to DO something instead of not doing anything…. things happen for a reason. It needs a strong intention to manifest it into a physical form… that is real.

Sometimes they really make me sick in the stomach. Not everyone is dumb to believe in their fantasy world and i hope they stop trying to brainwash others into a “paradise” at the end of a cliff.


Cracked walls revealing tainted blood
Skies breaking revealing the odyssey

Angels falling from heaven’s height
Humans nailed on holy crosses

Devils laughing at worlds end
Spirits lingering at deads end

A giant web cast upon opened eyes
Noise distortions on broken drums

Wired hands tied behind bars
Brains electrocuted on iron chairs

A bleeding world of sinners
A hellish place where evil thrives.


The human eye is a failure tool at prediction. In statistics, eyeball tests does not provide accurate analysis as well. That is why we need computers to process information faster than a human mind could handle. A human mind is under utilised because we believe in what science tells us instead of our own feelings to guide us.

To use our inner “superpowers” to reach beyond the limits of what is humanly possible, we have to listen to our mind. No matter how irrational or illogical it seems, it provides us with the answers to everything. It is called the infinite intelligence. Everyone of us has the ability to tap into the mind of the universe but some people prefer to not accept the gift from heavens. 

Everything sparks from a seed of imagation, driven with desire to make it a reality. The stronger the desires, the faster it manifests itself into forms. Without risks, there are no gains. The risker it is, the higher its returns.

We only live once, so why not risk it all? There might not be a point of return but it beats the hell out of being ordinary. You might be remembered in history for taking the chance too. Ordinary people are just afraid, fearful and disillusioned puppets controlled by the very few who dared venture out of their own boundaries.


Gift From Heaven

“Calling out to everyone with closed hearts and closed minds
Don’t be afraid to open up your heart.
The more you share, the more you receive
Ask, and abundance awaits you. “

In this world where money is exchanged in every transaction
And the best man gets the best jobs

We don’t stop and look anymore.
Sometimes we just got to stop whatever we are doing and think.

How are we going to contribute back to the society for all that
they have provided for us?

How can we share the love and blessings that the heavens have
endowed on us?

Just stop, and think.
Is there anyone you can help?

After all… karma works in the way that
the more you give, the more you receive in return.
If you don’t start giving… there will be no returns.

Open up… and you will find that
We are living in a very beautiful world.

Treasure every moment of it.

Why Heros Die

Heros die first

They fight for something they believe in

To leave a legacy behind.

Over time, heroes became extinct

Those left behind are the bad guys

So we see so much bad things happening

And people accept it as their fate

They await the heroes to fight for them

But they are gone a long time ago

So they won’t be saved.


I wonder why was men created.

Is mankind a experimental project by the gods/aliens/superior being?

So they can laugh while we kill each other with our big nuclear bombs as we fight for racial supremacy?

Or mock at the commercial world we built as people live their lives like a systematic machine at work… insert raw material (education) -> transmutation (brainwashing) -> finished product (enter working society).

I wonder what is the superior being thinking. Maybe he is keeping our universe like a toy in his closet and he occasionally takes it out to play during his leisure. He probably created men and women to make it more interesting as his experiment. He decided to add some animals in it and some trees and minerals and watch what we do with them.

So we decided to wipe out animal habitats and cut down the trees while extracting minerals for our own usage. We continue to exploit nature’s treasures for our own financial gain. They build big houses with villas and pay beautiful women to entertain them.

It is a sad world isn’t it? Makes me want to live in a little cottage and grow fruits on the land and live with someone i love and live a simple happy life.


People breathe

People breed

People bleed

The cycle of life in its physical form


People keep trying



To duplicate the winning formula that gets the quickest results

That they



Their individuality in the process.

That is why ALWAYS ALWAYS stay true to yourself

No matter what others say…. don’t let them stop you

Keep working hard on your own style and creation

One day, you will be noticed.

And you can proudly proclaim

“I am unique, and only I can deliver this results”

This is especially true for intellectual property like

Writing, photography and music (insert artistic direction)

Anyone can produce them, why will they buy yours and not others?


It is their individuality that shines through their works that makes them exceptional.

That is why notable works are produced by the same people.

They create a new genre/series of their own.

So before they began, there was no classification of any sorts.

Over time, people will start appreciating them (hopefully before their death)

And they will get the recognition they deserve.

That is a True Artist!